IPC14 India Virtual Workshop took place on May 12th, 2023
On behalf of the Organizing Committee of IPC14 India virtual workshop, we extend our appreciation to all the participants. It was an honor to have such a distinguished group of experts from various organizations come together and discuss precipitation science and applications. There were a total 168 participants from 13 countries in academia, industry and governmental and non-profit research institutes.
The IPC14 India pre-conference virtual workshop is part of the 14th International Precipitation Conference. It focused on the IPC14 theme "Emerging directions in precipitation science and applications: going beyond" with a specific emphasis on the Indian region and associated societal impacts of precipitation-related hazards. The workshop brought together scientists and practitioners from leading research organizations in India, to provide a platform to discuss past and present efforts as well as challenges faced by each. The goal is to define together research directions in precipitation science and applications, and plan future initiatives with an emphasis on encouraging collaborations between different communities.

Structure of the workshop:
2:00 - 4:00 PM - Lighting talks on different focus areas by various experts (By invitation only).
4:00 - 5:00 PM - Open-house discussion on current challenges, concluding remarks to formulate future research and action plans.
Speaker and Title of the presentations:
- Dr. G Pandithurai (Sc-F & Project Director, Atmospheric Research Testbeds, IITM Pune);
Title: Ground based radar observations of convective organization and precipitation over core monsoon zone in India - Shri. P.V. Raju (Group Director, Water Resources Group);
Title: Estimation of Hydrological Variables and their Patterns: Precipitation Research & Challenges - Dr. Charu Singh (Scientist, Indian Institue of Remote Sensing, ISRO);
Title: Characteristics of rainfall over the North-West Himalayan region - Dr. Anoop K Mishra (Scientist , IMD);
Title: Precipitation measurement from Space Observations: Recent advances and Challenges - Dr. A . K Mitra (Head, Geospatial applications team of IMD) ;
Title: Satellite Precipitation monitoring in the Indian Subcontinent: Status, Remaining Gaps and Challenges - Dr Neerja Sharma (SAC, ISRO ; Scientist-SF);
Title: Overview of Indian Satellite Data Utilization for Rainfall Monitoring:Gap Areas and Way Forward - Dr. Bhupendranath Goswami (Former Director, IITM Pune) ;
Title: Is May Rainfall over Northeast India Pre-Monsoon Rainfall? - Dr. O. P. Sreejith (CRS, IITM Pune) ;
Title: Extreme weather events over Indian region
Organising Team:
- Dr. Shruti Upadhyaya (IIT Hyderabad)
- Dr. J. Indu (IIT Bombay)
- Dr. Manabendra Saharia (IIT Delhi)